Rotary Club of Calcutta Yuvis

Club #83002, RID : 3291 [Est: 17th March, 2010]

Rotary Club of Calcutta yuvis, be the inspiration


Rotary International

Why Rotary ?

The vision of Rotary founder Paul Harris was of a club that would kindle friendship among members of the business community.

He wanted to find in the large city the kind of friendly spirit and helpfulness that he had known in small towns where he had grown up – the spirit to reach out in service to others less fortunate.It was also Harris’ thought that the club should represent a cross section of business and professional life of the community.

Admission to Rotary club membership is by invitation, and accepting the invitation represents a personal commitment of the Rotarian to exemplify high ethical standards in one’s own vocation or occupation. When a person becomes an active member of a Rotary club, it is said that the member has been “loaned” a classification.He or she may propose one additional active member in that classification.


Rotary is organized at club, district and international levels. Each club elects its own officers and enjoys considerable autonomy within the framework of its constitution bylaws of Rotary International.

Clubs are grouped into Rotary districts, each led by a district governor who is an officer of Rotary International and represents the RI board of directors in the field.


The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and in particular, to encourage and foster.

First — The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service.

Second — High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society.

Third — The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business and community life.

Fourth — The advancement of international understanding , goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

Rotary is in the business of service. Rotary makes the lame to walk, blind to see and the deaf to hear. Rotary imparts education, brings hope, saves lives, and serves mankind. Mankind is Rotary’s business and Service its product.


One of the most widely printed and quoted statements of business ethics in the world is the Rotary 4-way test. The 4-way test became the guide for sales, production, advertising and all relations with dealers and customers and the survival of the company is credited to this simple philosophy. Of the things we think, say or do :

  1. Is it the TRUTH ?
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned ?
  3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships ?
  4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned ?