
Awards Galore!

The District 3291 Awards event was held on 28th June at Haldiram Banquets observing the necessary restrictions due to the prevalent pandemic. It may have lacked the normal razzle dazzle generally associated with it, nevertheless had all the ingredients that go into making an event memorable. We are thankful to District Governor Ajay Agarwal, 1st Lady Mamta Agarwal, Award Chair PDG Raju Rajgharia, our Mentor PDG Ravi Sehgal and all the Seniors for always being our guiding force.

An awards event is the perfect platform for celebrating milestones and individual club achievements and most clubs look forward to it with great enthusiasm. President Rtn Ramesh Tiwari ably supported by his competent Secretary Rtn. Indira Goenka had over the year worked hard to take our club to probably its highest crest in its long history in almost all aspect. He and his team had worked tirelessly right from the hosting of DTA in May last year, again during the District Conference to the various club projects and events till advent of the pandemic put the brakes on quite abruptly.

No wonder they came back all smiles loaded with countless awards and recognitions. The euphoria that set in thereafter hasn’t been experienced for long time as the happiness of club members knew no bounds. More so for the coveted Best Club Trophy had been awarded to our club after many years.

List of Awards 2019-20

Rolling Trophy :

  1. Overall Best Award: Best Club In RI District 3291 in Rotary Year 2019-2020 based on its overall Performance.
  2. Paul Harris Shield
  3. Best Club International Service Shield

Individual Category

  1. DG Appreciation - Rtn. N. K. Saha (Ambassador)
  2. DG Appreciation - PP Rtn. Rakesh Bhatia (District Chair)
  3. Outstanding Centurion Award- IPP Rtn. Ramesh Tiwari
  4. Outstanding District Secretary- PP Rtn. Kishan Kr. Kejriwal
  5. Outstanding Service in Promoting “The Rotary Foundation and its Goal” - Rtn. B. D. Agarwal
  6. Outstanding Secretary- Rtn. Indra Goenka
  7. Outstanding Mentor- PP Rtn. P. K. Sharma
  8. Outstanding AG- PP Rtn Navin Khandelwal
  9. DG Citation
  10. SSA Award to PDG Ravi

First Prize

  1. Polio Plus
  2. Outstanding Club for Having done Projects in all areas of Focus.
  3. Outstanding Project Award- 4 Way Test
  4. Paul Harris Shield Outstanding in the District with Overall
  5. Best Performance
  6. Significant support for District events
  7. Best Youth Service
  8. Best International Service
  9. Club Bulletin
  10. Child Heart Surgery
  11. Literacy
  12. Water Sanitation and Hygiene

Second Prize

  1. TRF Contribution per Capita
  2. Family of Rotary and Rotary Welfare
  3. Community Economic Development
  4. Membership Growth in Numbers
  5. Covid aftermath Relief Effort
  6. Concern for Physically and Mentally Challenged
  7. Public Image of Rotary
  8. TRP Contribution from Club

Third Prize

  1. Basic Education and Literacy
  2. Eye Care and Avoidable Blindness