Sudip Mukherjee
Dear President and all members of Rotary Club of Belur, It is heartening to note that your club is celebrating Installation Ceremony. It is an auspicious occasion ushering the 2nd Century of Rotary in India. Kudos to outgoing President Ramesh Tiwari for the good work he has done. Let me take the opportunity to congratulate incoming President Aloke Kanodia for taking up the mantle of leadership.
We are well aware that 3 important Verticals of Rotary International are: Membership, Foundation and Public Image. I am sure your Club will give importance to them. Of the other two verticals, apart from Club Administration we have Service Projects.
Rotary India Humanity Foundation under able guidance of RIPE Shekhar Mehta has launched a 5 year plan from RY 2020-21 to RY 2024-25 of 8 different verticals pertaining to Service Projects. They are: Literacy, Water Sanitation, Health (Preventive), Health (Curative), Environment, Disaster Management and the 8th vertical namely Corporate Social Responsibility is aimed to get funds for service projects.
I request your Club take up meaningful and sustainable service projects pertaining to above verticals of your choice. Please also stress upon increase in Membership and contribution to TRF.
Needless to say, under able guidance of Past Presidents, with your zeal and hard work the new Rotary Year will be a grand success and Aloke you will be a True Trail Blazer in this new normal situation as ‘Rotary Opens Opportunities’
Sudip Mukherjee
District Governor, RID: 3291, RY: 2020-21