RCA Strategic Plan 2013-16

Rotary Club of Adyar – Strategic Plan 2013 – 16


To be a vibrant service organization of diverse community leaders who actively collaborate to improve lives locally and worldwide.


 The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:

§ First. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;

§ Second. High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;

§ Third. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life;

§ Fourth. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.


 The Four Way Test:

Of the things we think, say or do

§ Is it the TRUTH?

§ Is it FAIR to all concerned?


§ Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?


Rotary International Motto:

Service Above Self”

Rotary Club of Adyar – Strategic Priorities

The priorities and objectives identified for the club based on balanced activities on all avenues of service to be implemented during the period 2013-16 are summarized hereunder :


    1. To Strengthen Club
  1.   Increase Membership particularly focusing on age, classification & gender   diversity and promote  Retention  of existing/new members.
  2.   Reduce average age of the club members by inducting younger members.
  3.   Ensure admission of quality members by observing due process by the Member induction Committee.
  4.   Member Engagement -encourage all members to participate in some club activity, use an allocation table to cover all activities/ members
  5.   Have a scheduled timetable for club assemblies
  6.   Publish monthly bulletin & maintain website up to date
  7.   Monthly theme based fellowship to increase members / families bonding
  8.   Operate under the Club Leadership Plan
  9.   Improve attendance by strong weekly meetings with fellowship and interesting programmes.
  10.   Manage club finances professionally and in a transparent manner with all dues paid on time and annual accounts audited independently.
  11.  Identify and implement regular fund raising activities to support existing & planned projects of the club.


    1. Increase Humanitarian Service
  1.    Community Service-
    1. To work towards the Vision of creating a hospital by developing our existing  Medical Centre
    2. Initiate action to implement community service projects under the six areas of Rotary Foundations’ Future Vision Plan.
    3. To promote & pursue our Puthuyir Parisu project to provide nutrition to  mothers from economically backward section.
    4. To pursue our Operation Warmth project of distributing blankets to pavement dwellers during cold nights.
    5. Meet ‘Every Rotarian Every Year’ target and make significant contribution to Polio Plus fund of Rotary Foundation.
    6. Expand activities in the Rotary Foundation Matching Grants & District Simplified Grants by identifying suitable projects in communities.
  2.     Vocational Service-
    1. To provide Vocational Training to deserving youngsters on need based courses which offer employment potential.
    2. To recognize eminent persons with Vocational Excellence Award
  3.     New Generations Service-
    1. To Sustain the existing Interact & Rotaract clubs
    2. Undertake awareness programs for Interactors &  Rotaractors on relevant topics
    3. Youth Exchange students to be sent/hosted
    4. RYLA participation


    1. Enhance Public Image
  1.   Cover club projects in print or broadcast & publish them regularly in club bulletins.
  2.   Emphasize vocational service by recognizing public & private sector organizations practicing high ethical standards & values.
  3.   Invite people in media, business & professional community to projects & meetings
  4.  Share our noteworthy projects at various District forums during regular meetings with Assistant Governors and during the Governors’ club visit.
  5.   Update website regularly
  6.   Use social media to promote service activities eg. Rotary Showcase
  7.   Participate in District Public Image grant, advertisements


Rotary Club of Adyar

Strategic Plan Three Year Goals 2013 – 16


 A.  Membership

`               i.  From the Rotary Year 2012 – 13, we shall make a net increase of 3 members every year.  Accordingly our Membership goals for the various Rotary years shall be :-

Year 2012 – 13   –              61 members

13 – 14                  64 members

14 – 15                  67 members

15 – 16                  70 members


ii. We will work to maintain an average attendance of 60% for our meetings.

iii.  We will organize atleast 8 family participation meetings every year.

iv.  Have a minimum of 6 club assemblies every year as scheduled in Club Leadership Plan.

    1. Service Projects


  1.  To establish our Rotary Fourrts Medical Centre as a full fledged hospital by the year 2020.  A separate committee formed for this project will work towards fixing annual goals & club commitments.
  2.  To adopt rural schools & improve basic infrastructure to enhance quality of education in villages.  We will undertake atleast one project every year in this area by creating physical infrastructure or training in soft skills etc.
  3. Puthuyir Parisu : For the project of gifting new born kits to mothers, we will work towards gifting 500 kits every year coinciding with birthdays / anniversaries of our Rotarians.
  4. Operation Warmth : To distribute a minimum of 100 blankets during winter nights to pavement dwellers.
  5. To provide Vocational Training to 30 persons every year in need based courses which offer employment potential.
  6.  Recognising atleast two persons  every year by awarding them in any of following Categories – Vocational Excellence / Service Award, For the Sake of Honour Award,  Young Achiever Award etc.
  7.  Sustain our 2 Rotaract & 2 Interact Clubs.  Conduct atleast one awareness program every year in relevant topic for youngsters involving our Rotaractors / Interactors.


    1. Rotary Foundation
  1. EREY target to be met & a significant contribution made to Polioplus fund every year.
  2. Work towards making atleast three PHF’s every year.
  3. Sustaining Members
  4.  Get Club qualified for Foundation Grants & work towards implementing atleast one Matching Grant every two years.
  5. Increase awareness amongst club members by organizing atleast one Program on Future Vision’s 6 areas of focus



    1. Developing Leaders-Club level & beyond
  1. Atleast two members to serve Rotary beyond club level
  2. Atleast 40% of new members to be inducted into club committees
  3. nominating committee will be reconstituted every year to work towards  succession planning & assist Presidents Elects in team formation.


    1.  Public Relations


  1. Publish our Club bulletin – The Banyan on monthly basis & cover all club projects / activities.
  2. Update our club’s website regularly atleast once every quarter.
  3. Wide publicity to all our projects and activities through the local,  electronic  & print media.


    1.  Club Administration


  1. Club operates under Club Leadership Plan
  2.  Club’s Strategic Plan will be reviewed & updated annually with the participation of all members.
  3. Present the proposed budget for the next Rotary year in the Incoming / Outgoing board meeting of the club during May / June.
  4. Trial balance & monthly receipts & payments accounts to be presented at every board meeting by Treasurer and audited accounts to be placed before every AGM for passing.
  5. Club Archives established & maintained
  6. Members Access effectively used to manage club records online.




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