Polio NID


Rotarians have mobilized by the hundreds of thousands to ensure that children are immunized against polio and that surveillance is strong, despite the poor infrastructure, extreme poverty, and civil strife of many countries. Since the PolioPlus program’s inception in 1985, more than two billion children have received oral polio vaccine. To date, 210 countries, territories, and areas around the world are polio-free, and 134 of these have been certified polio-free. As of June 2011, Rotary has committed more than $1 billion to global polio eradication. In 2010-11, program awards were $75.6 million (includes PolioPlus Partners grants).

IInd Polio NID

This gallery contains 7 photos.

Dear All, Our Mayor inaugurated the VOC nagar booth and Rtn.Boopathi Raja , Ann.Archana and both their Annettes were present in Saidapet centre and Annette.Sashritha was immunised today. Rtns.Narayanan,Kannan Arumugam , Jayaraman and myself were present. As usual our Chairman,Polio plus Rtn.Narayanan did a wonderful job of giving the Baloons,chocolate…

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Polio NID on 20th Jan’13

This gallery contains 7 photos.

Dear Rtns, The First NID went on very well. Thanks to the efforts of Polio Plus Chairman Rtn.Narayanan & support from the Rotaractors. Ann.Dhanya Narayanan helped us with the inauguration of both the centres. Rtns. Gopal,Seshiah,Jayaraman,Kannan Arumugam,Boopathi Raja,Archana & Ann.Archana Boopathi were present . Our Annettes Sashritha & Shravaan were immunised…

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