Vocational service


Vocational Service Award function on 1st Oct’13

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Dear Rtns, It was the privilege of RCA to give the VSA to a deserving person, Prema Gnanaolivu. Thanks to VSD Rtn Ananth for making sure that everything went off smoothly. Ananth ensured that the entire process right from the selection of the candidate to the meticulous planning and execution…

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Hundai & Vasavibala Resins Factory visit

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On Thursday, the 20th June’13, at 7 o’clock in the morning, an assorted crowd of members, anns and annettes set out in a 20 seater bus for a factory visit organised by Rtn.Mahadevan, Director – Vocational Services. The first halt was to visit Vasavibala Resins, which is Rtn.Pres. Siva’s factory…

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