Blanket distribution to the poor, sleeping in the cold streets, every December – Project Warmth of Rotary Club of Adyar.
Blanket distribution to the poor, sleeping in the cold streets, every December – Project Warmth of Rotary Club of Adyar.
This gallery contains 8 photos.
Dear Rotarians, Blanket distribution to the poor sleeping in the cold streets – a heart warming project, so naturally, we see keen enthusiasm from Rtns and Anns. We had formed two groups- 1)Main group-met at Cafe Coffee day-Ispani center-Nugambakkam high road at 10:00pm. 2)ECR group at Cafe coffee Day at…
This gallery contains 14 photos.
Dear Rtns, I am extremely pleased to inform that our “operation warmth” project went off very well on Saturday. Let me first thank Rtn. Murli Chabria for the wonderful conception of this unique project.I also thank Rtn.Subash for sponsoring coffee at Cafe coffee day. It was truly a meaningful experience…