Our Happy Schools Project at two Panchayat Schools;
Thanks to Matching Grant 79720 with RC Culver City RI Dist:5280
In our effort to augment Rotary India Literacy Mission to educate needy children, the Rotary Club of Adyar decided to do the Happy Schools project at two remote villages near Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
We have donated 552 books to the Panchayat Middle School at Nallambakkam Village together with two steel bookcases and a computer, to form a library for children upto 8th standard. We have built two toilets with water facility at the school in Nallambakkam.
This was repeated at the Ayapakkam Village where we again donated 552 books, two steel bookcases and a computer, to form the library at their Panchayat Middle School. We have provided tables and benches at Ayapakkam school.
Finally, we have formed a play area and provided play equipment at both the schools. All of these facilities at both schools were inaugurated by Rtn.PDG.Raja Seenivasan on the 4th of July 2014.
Here’s what our newest member Rtn. Anand Kumar Pandian had to say …
“It was a great day indeed going to both the schools in the villages… Also lunch at Rtn.Vittal’s farm was excellent (Priya’s on-site cooking) and President JJ’s farm was great to visit too, with mangoes and tender coconut indulgence. My maiden trip was great … thanks for inviting me too.”
Some photos of the day’s events …