Hawaian Fellowship

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Dear Rtns, I am sending few photos of our fellowship we had on 27th October. The tireless efforts of the hosts made the fellowship very interesting and most enjoyed one.Thank you Hosts for all your hard work. Hats off to you all. Siva
Enjoy Arusuvai Thiruvizha – EAT

This gallery contains 5 photos.
Dear Rtns, Just sending few photos of EAT festival happening at Besant nagar beach. Siva
Induction of new members & Voc Ser Awards

This gallery contains 7 photos.
Dear Rtns, Here are a few photos of our 16th Oct’12 meeting; the induction of 3 new members and conferring the Vocational Service Awards. Yours in Rotary, S.Siva
Movie outing – English Vinglish

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Dear All, We had a wonderful movie outing on 7th Oct’12 with 22 members of Rotary family & Inner wheel . Siva
Puthyuir Parisu on 7th Oct’12

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Dear Rtns, Rtn.PP.Vittal Rajan donated 16 PP kits on 7/10/2012 at Govt.Kasturba Gandhi Hospital. Siva
Puthyuir Parisu 4th Oct’12

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Dear Rtns, We have donated 24 Puthyuir Kits at Govt.Kasturba hospital on 4th Oct’12. IWC Chairman Mrs.Vasumathi Marimuthu , Mrs.Sowmya,Mrs.Maheswari, Rtn.Jayaraman & Rtn.Ramachandran were present. The IWC Chairman praised as noble project and She is interested to donate the kits in Nov on his son’s birth day. Siva