IInd Polio NID

This gallery contains 7 photos.
Dear All, Our Mayor inaugurated the VOC nagar booth and Rtn.Boopathi Raja , Ann.Archana and both their Annettes were present in Saidapet centre and Annette.Sashritha was immunised today. Rtns.Narayanan,Kannan Arumugam , Jayaraman and myself were present. As usual our Chairman,Polio plus Rtn.Narayanan did a wonderful job of giving the Baloons,chocolate…
Governor’s Official Visit

This gallery contains 31 photos.
Dear Rtns, We have Puthyuir Parisu donation on 19th Feb at Kasturba Govt hospital at 10 am in the presence of Governor. This project which welcomes new born children from economically very weaker sections, gives a great deal of hope to the new born’s mother that the society is giving…
Vocational Excellence Award-presented to Mr.C.Gopinath, TV Anchor

This gallery contains 17 photos.
Dear Rtns, We had the Interact RYLA of Zone-18 on 2nd and 3rd February. The interactors spent two days and enjoyed. At the end of the RYLA they were asking when will be the next RYLA? Siva.
Footwear Distribution

This gallery contains 4 photos.
Dear Rtns, We have distributed free Chappal for the School Children & senior Citizens at our Happy Village today 6th Feb’13. Siva
Toilet Inauguration

This gallery contains 10 photos.
Dear Rtns, We have inaugurated nine Toilets on 6th Feb’13. Our Rtns.PP.Thiagu,PP.Gopal,Jayaraman,Kannan Arumugam,Sugandhi Gopalakrishnan, Ann.Chitra Thiagu,Maheswari,Chitra Kannan and Inner Wheel members were participated. Devi Academy Principal,Co-ordinator and Interactors were there for the inauguration. Siva