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Dear Rtns, Rtn.PP.Vittal Rajan donated 16 PP kits on 7/10/2012 at Govt.Kasturba Gandhi Hospital. Siva
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Dear Rtns, Rtn.PP.Vittal Rajan donated 16 PP kits on 7/10/2012 at Govt.Kasturba Gandhi Hospital. Siva
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Dear Rtns, We have donated 24 Puthyuir Kits at Govt.Kasturba hospital on 4th Oct’12. IWC Chairman Mrs.Vasumathi Marimuthu , Mrs.Sowmya,Mrs.Maheswari, Rtn.Jayaraman & Rtn.Ramachandran were present. The IWC Chairman praised as noble project and She is interested to donate the kits in Nov on his son’s birth day. Siva
This gallery contains 12 photos.
Dear Rtns, The first toilet was inaugurated by our District Governor at our happy village Nallambakkam, on 30th Sep’12. Rtns.Thiagu,Vittal,Sarangarajan,Jayaram Krishnan,Suganthi,Jayaraman,Seshiah,Ramachandran,Sivakumar and Veeraraghavan, Inner Wheel members Maheswari,Latha Sivakumar , Chitra Kannan , Sowmya and Sadhana Rajkumar were present. Our Zone Chairman for Happy Village Rtn.Gopinath was also present. Siva
This gallery contains 14 photos.
Dear Rtns, The Mega medical camp was inaugurated by our District Governor at our happy village Nallambakkam, on 30th Sep’12. Rtns.Thiagu,Vittal,Sarangarajan,Jayaram Krishnan,Suganthi,Jayaraman,Seshiah,Ramachandran,Sivakumar and Veeraraghavan, Inner Wheel members Maheswari,Latha Sivakumar , Chitra Kannan , Sowmya and Sadhana Rajkumar were present. Our Zone Chairman for Happy Village Rtn.Gopinath was also present. 120…
This gallery contains 10 photos.
Dear Rtns, Please find photos taken at Sanitary Awareness program conducted by us at Nallambakkam village on 23rd Sep. Rtns.Thiagu,Bakshi,Jayaraman,Muthukumar,Boopathi Raja,Suganthi Gopalakrishnan,Kannan Arumugam and Kannan Arumugam were present. Yours in Rotary, S.Siva