Medical camp by RC Adyar, 9th Oct.

Dear Rtns,

The general health medical screening of 162 students from class 6 onward was successfully conducted at the Corporation school at Kamaraj avenue, Adyar, Chennai 600020.

We thank Rtn Chelliah for spearheading and coordinating this activity, Rtn H Srinivasan for arranging the doctors, Fourrts for dispensing medicines free of cost, Dir CS Rtn Rajendran for pitching in with the logistics, and Secretary Jayaraman for arranging the gifts and sweets for the children, and Rtn Sundarrajan for giving a brand new HP printer at a very low cost.

Dr Ramachandran, Dr Manorama and Dr Sharanya patiently screened all the students who came.

The statistics are as follows:

162 children screened
Children found with problems:
Eye: 14
Wheezing: 8
Brain scan reqd: 1
Gynecological : 3
Skin issues : 3
Abdomen scans reqd: 1
Heart to be checked: 2
Total children with issues: 32 or, 20% of the population screened.

High percentage indeed. They come from very poor backgrounds.

As a followup action to the medical camp held yesterday at Kamaraj Avenue Corporation School by RC Adyar, we plan to the help the 14 students with eye sight problems.
These students are unable to see the writing on the black board in class. Hence they fare badly in studies and many of them drop out of school as they are unable to cope. By providing the students  whom we have screened yesterday with eye testing and spectacles as required, we will have done a good service (!!!)
We have contacted VHS through a known eye specialist, and they have agreed as a special case to the following:
1. Consultation fee per student : Rs 100
2. Spectacles:  Rs 250
Total per student :  Rs 350
No. of students: 14
Hence total cost  is only Rs 4900 for all 14 students put together !!
Add cost of transportation (mini Van) of Rs 2500: Total =  Rs 7500/-

Happy to inform you that the funds for the eye check up and specs has come through. We are now proceeding to get the date from the school for the children to be taken to VHS.

Pics attached:

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