Dear RCA Family,
A Big Thanks to all of you for accepting our invitation & coming in big numbers… You made our day & that made all our efforts fruitful. The numbers were close to 85 (Rtn & Family) + 10 (Apollo Staff) + Helpers (8).
What made it successful? – WhatsApp + SMS + Phone Calls + Meticulous planning + Constant Touch + Great Coordination + 3 late night meetings + Better Understanding of each other.
What got Displayed? – A True example for Team Work.
What was unique? – Traditional Touch (Vennai, Bharatham, Food, Fruit Basket) + Pair dances + Glow Theme (lighting & lamps) + Quiz Program + Annette’s Program (Heart touching Unsung Heroes involved in organ transplant being honoured) + The no frill (liquor) session.
Special Acknowledgements
New Rtn.Anand for the fullest of the involvement & Cooperation.
Ann Anitha Anand for the Vennai Recital.
Rtn.Fathima for the excellent conduct of the Quiz. Special attraction being, Know your Rotarians.
Rtn.Archana for being tensed all through, so that things happen as planned. But what a dance performance.
Ann Suraj for all the extra fitting arrangements. The DJ of yesterday was none other than our Suraj & Great Dance. Simply Superb.
Rtn.Karunakaran & Ann Arul. Host or Not? Inspite of not being the Host, they have been hosting all the hosts in the last 3 weeks. They have taken their time out to be part of all our meetings & to be along with all the hosts by 10AM yesterday, for all the last minute arrangements.
Rtn.Vidyadharan & Ann Samanthaka for being all along since inception & during our planning meets, but couldn’t attend yesterday, due to an emergency.
Rtn Kannan & Ann Chitra for lighting up to the occasion.
Rtn.Jai & Ann Rajam for being with us.
My family for the additional extra time given to me on account of this event.
Real Challenge for the forthcoming Hosts – To Start on time or nearly on time. We started the program yesterday, 1 hour late, because of maximum late arrivals. So, shot down programs.
Few Photos attached….
Yours Lovingly,
Kiruthika & Rtn.Sathish
Suraj & Rtn.Archana
Anitha & Rtn.Anand
Sheriff & Rtn.Fathima
Chitra & Rtn.Kannan
Rajam & Rtn.Jaishankar
Samanthaka & Rtn.Vidyadharan