Dear All,
I have Patriotic pleasure in informing you that, we have celebrated Independence Day in a fitting manner at the Kandigai Government School, that we are attempting to make it a Model School of INDIA.
Thanks to President & First Lady, Rtn.Veeramani, Rtn.Thiagu, Rtn.Jayaraman & his Ann, Rtn.Easwar, Rtn.Karunakaran, Rtn.Anand, My Ann & My Son, Inner-wheel President Lakshmi & Finally great thanks to our Prospective Member Mrs.Anuradha & her Son…. For joining the children of Kandigai School for the Flag Hoisting & Witnessing the Cultural Programs…
OUR HEARTFELT THANK YOU to Rtn.Veeramani for the Ever Superb Hospitality & Delicious Breakfast at Fourrts India Office…
Special Thanks to – President Jayaseelan for the 80 Gifts. Secretary Sathish for the 350 metal National flags. Inner Wheel for 350 Biscuit Packets.
NOTE: Since last few years this school has been our place for Independence Day Celebration. So many has been done for the welfare of the school & Many Many more to do. Today we have committed to Repair all the water lines at a cost of Rs.27,000 & purchase of tables worth Rs.11,000. Work starting tomorrow.