RC Adyar Debate-India is too liberal a democracy – are we ready for it?-24th Dec’13

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We had a wonderful debate. Topic was “India is too liberal a democracy – are we ready for it? The two teams were 1. Thiagu, Mohan and Sundar – For the motion – ie., Yes, we are ready for it 2. Siva, Gopal and Kulamani – Against the motion The…
Women’s Wellness Camp (Project Shakthi) at Rotary Club of Adyar Fourrts Medical Center

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Dear Rtns, Project Shakti, for women patients, went off to a rousing start at Rotary Club of Adyar Fourrts Medical Center today. RC Adyar, along with RC Vellachery, Chettinad Hospital and of course, Fourrts, collaborated to make this a memorable event. CSD Rtn Rajendran, Secy Jayaraman were present on behalf…
Operation Warmth – Blanket Project – 14/12/2013

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Dear Rotarians, Blanket distribution to the poor sleeping in the cold streets – a heart warming project, so naturally, we see keen enthusiasm from Rtns and Anns. We had formed two groups- 1)Main group-met at Cafe Coffee day-Ispani center-Nugambakkam high road at 10:00pm. 2)ECR group at Cafe coffee Day at…
Puthyuir Parisu – Rtn.PHF Vittal Rajan’s family

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Dear Rtn. President Jayaraman, I am happy to inform you that today, Rtn.PHF Vittal Rajan and his family donated 26 Puthuyir Parisu kits to the newborn babies at Gosha hospital, Chennai. Ann Sripriya, Annettes Maanasa Rajan and Ananya Rajan actively participated in the programme. You may kindly pass on this…
Puthyuir Parisu – Rtn.Dr.Ragavan

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Dear Rtns, Rtn Dr Ragavan and Ann Dr Meera donated 26 kits at the Govt Hospital on 30th November. Secretary Jayaraman and self were present for the donation with them. Kudos to the Rtn Doctors for a great service done. It was also a nostalgic day for all…